Friday, July 16, 2010


I have been inspired to put down the yarn...
and pick up the needle!
I am reading The Aloha Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini.
I absolutely luuuuvvvv her Elm Creek Quilts series!
The setting for the book is Hawaii which has a wonderful quilting history.
After reading the acknowledgment section, it seems she did quite a bit of
research on the  history and quilting technique
of Hawaii.
Years ago, when I was in my quilting phase...
I had bought lots of fabric and
cut out patterns for Hawaiian
blocks.  I had only gotten one completed and a second one
basted before that phase was over!

This is the 1st one...

This is the current one...

So...I put away the yarn for awhile and will try my hand
at my quilting again!
Not having my air conditioner, it is pretty warm when
working on my afghan. 
So... we will see how long it last!

Other than quilting & reading...
not much else planned for the weekend.
School starts next week so back to school shopping
I suppose!  Nothing like taking teenage boy
shopping for clothes! 
 Almost as fun as taking a husband!!!
Have a great weekend!


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress on this quilt!

  2. Oooh, this may be something new you're going to have to teach me!! I love the ones you've already done. Whatever you do, don't tell Mr. S..... ha ha!

  3. i can't wait to see what it looks like finished! This is a wonderful beginning!

  4. Becky,
    Jennifer Chiaverini has wonderful books! I was a quilter years ago then my sister took it over. She hasn't done any for quite some time since she does not have time anymore with a hubby that cannot work due to Agraphobia and 3 girls at home even though the oldest is almost 20! I love what I see with your hawaiian quilt and look forward to seeing pics of the finished product!
