Friday, July 9, 2010


Happy Friday fellow bloggers!  I actually got my lazy booty out of bed @ 5:00am to workout!  Hopefully it will be just what I need to get me thru to 5:00pm!  Nothing much on the agenda for the weekend... maybe I will try to get some needed odds and ends done that I have been putting off!  Of course I want to squeeze some crocheting, reading and my new knitting project in!  And maybe I will have some scrapbook pages up for your viewing pleasure!

I did have someone mention it was difficult to locate my "follow" button so for now it is located just below the "My People" button and just above my Ravelry Member button. I hope that helps!  Looking forward to chatting more with everyone!  Have a great day!




  1. Hiya, Becky! Well, aren't you just a smarty-pants for getting up and exercising. Wish I could get my butt in gear and do something. I really need to badly.

    I'm going to go look through my afghan patterns and try to come up with a few suggestions for you for that green afghan.

    Have a great Friday!

  2. Found it, Becky! Must've been just my computer acting up - again...but I'm glad I found you. Have you decided which afghan you're going to make with that Kelly green yarn yet? Have you looked at some of the free pattern sites I gave you? I just love browsing the internet for free patterns...I'm a yarnaholic and a pattern-a-holic (he, he, he) ... let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

    I was looking at this pattern to make - I've never done tunisian crochet and this peacock afghan just stole my heart...isn't it just beautiful? It's a free pattern and it's calling to me:

    scroll down to the peacock afghan on the second line from the bottom up...

  3. I sent an email to the address in your profile in the sidebar. Let me know if you don't get it.
