Sunday, September 26, 2010

Oops....I did it again!

I couldn't resist!
I had seen ladies at this blog posting pictures of these
great embroidery pieces they were quilting
and just had to have this fabulous book!
So...I went to my local quilt store and had them order it for me.
One day...


I finally got my blocks for the first week of the
Bernat CAL done tonight!
They were actually pretty easy...
And I was holding my breath that the first week
wouldn't use the one color that I didn't have!
Hopefully it will be in soon, before it's needed for my project!

This week was using the Natural color...

It took me three trys to find the size hook I needed to get
the correct gauge...the pattern called for an "I"
but I tend to crochet tight so I wound up needing an "L".
Of every size crochet hook I have, I did not have an "L".
So... off to JoAnn's I went.
As seen in my previous post, I bought two different
hooks and I absolutely fell in luuuuvvvv
with the one with a bamboo handle!
It really handled great!  I may just have to buy
more with this wonderful handle!

It didn't take long to work them up...

I'm ready for week two!!!


A little on the funny side....

A couple of weeks ago one of the cables went out
on my Direct TV...
the cable guy came out and fixed what he could but
a new cable had to be ran under the house to
make it where I could watch one show and tape another
at the same time.
If Direct TV did the new cable it would cost hundreds of $'s...
we could do it for free!
So my hubby & son got it fixed for me today!
They got on their garb for crawling under the house
and I couldn't resist snapping a picture!

Who you gonna call? 
Ghost Busters!

This is my "baby"...
I told him he looked like a doctor heading to the OR...
His bandana looks like a surgical cap...
the protective eyeware and the paper clothes cover!
Just call him Dr. Rob...

Still have to call Direct TV to get the right settings
but they did a wonderful job!
Thanks guys!


That's about it for today's activities!
We will see what tomorrow brings!



  1. i am going to find it hard to wait from week to week for the new squares. And I commend your men for their willingness to do such a nasty job. Think Mike Rowe.

  2. Those outfits are too funny! Great pics. Nice job on the squares too. This is gonna be a cinch, huh? Can't wait for next week's squares. I hope they are a little more interesting! (I know, be careful what you ask for!)

  3. Great job with the crocheting, that's one thing I haven't tried yet. And what a great hubby for getting that dirty job done.
